RandomMaccess was born in the mid-1990s as a column in the New Jersey Macintosh Users Group newsletter, MacLedger. Around 1996 or so (it may have been 1998 — records are scarce and memories are hazy from those days), “RM” began life on a new venture called The World Wide Web. In the ensuing decade and a half, RandomMaccess has posted thousands of articles, essays, investigative reports and even the occasional April Fool’s piece.

In addition to running this site, Founder and Publisher Chuck La Tournous has worked as a musician, web developer, art director, radio commercial producer and marketing executive. He has also appeared as a speaker at Macworld, User Group University and corporate events; served as judge for all but one MacBrainiac Challenge; and plays in the Macworld All-Star Band. He is also the principal of patpending creative, a boutique web development company. (You can’t get them to work for you, though–the company is not currently accepting new assignments.)