Chuck La Tournous is a contributor for Macworld, the leading voice on the Apple ecosystem, covering everything from the Mac and OS X to iPhones, iPads, and more. Chuck covers a variety of topics including how-tos, reviews and security.
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The Mac Observer
Chuck is a contributing editor for The Mac Observer, one of the longest-running Mac news sites on the web. He writes analysis and opinion pieces as well as the occasional review.
Recent articles

The MacJury
Chuck is one of the founding panelists of this engaging, thoughtful and insightful Apple-centric podcasts. Hosted by veteran podcaster Chuck Joiner, The MacJury brings opinion without the ego and dissent without the drama.

TrailCamper aims to be the camping site “for the rest of us.” In open beta, the magazine-style site features a mix of gear guides, how-tos, reviews and trip reports for the casual camper.

Tech vs. Wild
Tech vs. Wild is a seminar series delivered by Chuck that covers “the intersection of high technology and high adventure.” Delivered at conferences like Macworld, user groups, local clubs and community events, Tech vs. Wild looks at ways technology can enhance — not detract from — your outdoor experience. From navigation apps to charging systems, rugged camera/cases, water purification and more, Tech vs. Wild promotes the responsible, relevant use of technology in places and ways you never imagined.

The San Jose Mercury News ran a nice feature article on Tech vs. Wild.

The British Tech Network’s Mac Show
Chuck is a regular panelist on this British-based weekly roundup of Apple news and events, with a “mates-at-the-pub” vibe. He’s been binge-watching Monty Python so he can better understand the rest of the panel, which is probably unnecessary since most of them wind up being American.